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The trade and services sector has to respond in a special way to the rapidly changing needs of consumers. This applies primarily to issues such as supply chain management (including flexible diversification of their sources) or ways of making purchases and payments by consumers. Optimization of operating costs in light of the above characteristics is of key importance to improving the profitability of companies in this industry.
Sektor handlu i usług musi w sposób szczególny reagować na szybko zmieniające się potrzeby konsumentów. Dotyczy to przede wszystkim takich zagadnień, jak zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw (w tym elastyczna dywersyfikacja ich źródeł) czy sposoby dokonywania zakupu i płatności przez konsumentów. Optymalizacja kosztów operacyjnych w świetle powyższej charakterystyki ma kluczowe znaczenie dla poprawy rentowności firm tej branży.
Emilia Clarke
AmRest Holdings SE is the largest independent company operating restaurant chains in Central and Eastern Europe. The company also operates in Western Europe, Russia, China and the United States.

Our Solutions:
As part of the project with AmRest, "Procure to Pay" business solutions were implemented in 480 client restaurants located in four countries. The project was led by an international team of AmRest and Marketplanet consultants. - The word "modernity" means for us a global look at the whole structure of the company, every aspect of its activity and searching for the most advanced solutions to improve its functioning. Purchasing processes are one of the most important elements of a modern company. That is why we decided to implement technologically advanced solutions which will streamline the process, make it easier and, most importantly, bring measurable financial benefits - explains Marek Dyczek, Director of Purchasing and Cost Optimaziton Department.

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